Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bellydance and Ballroom Dance Party - postscript

my students and guest dance instructors

Our belly dance and ballroom dance party held last July 29,  at Ms. Lovely's Dance and Arts Studio, was a successful event. The studio was filled with fun and excitement, and there was the spirit of sisterhood among the ladies.

 It was attended by my lovely students with some guests, dance instructors and friends who danced gracefully for more than three hours. We had an afternoon of non-stop jamming  and partying, with plenty of food to share. 

After two months of attending my classes, my students had their first performance to a simple belly dance choreography in music medley of Shakira and Akon, with the ladies wearing their best belly dance attire. We also performed a Cha cha dance choreographed by Sir Joel and his wife Cath, our ballroom instructors. 

It was the students' time to shine and their time to enjoy each other's company on the dance floor with various dances, from belly dance to ballroom to modern dances. They really did their best and I am so proud of my ladies. I could not wait to organize and hold a party again with them.

See some of the highlights of the party:

* Visit and like my FB fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/MsLovelysDances
*Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/Lovelydances
* Email address: lovelybelly.0623@yahoo.com
*Text or call Ms. Lovely at 0917-827-4363

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Belly dance and Ballroom Party on July 29

Come and join us!! Let us celebrate our passion for dancing!!!

We'll have a belly dance and ballroom party at Ms. Lovely's Dance and Arts Studio on July29, Sunday, 2pm to 4pm. 

Watch my lovely students perform what they have learned in class for the past two months. 

Be in your best costume (or dance attire) and bring some food to share (potluck). 

We'll have hours of dancing & jamming with some invited ballroom dance instructors. Its gonna be fun fun fun! Party! Party! Its your time to shine on the dance floor!!

See you all my lovely ladies, you may also invite your friends, just let me know...

* Visit and like my FB fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/MsLovelysDances
*Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/Lovelydances
* Email address: lovelybelly.0623@yahoo.com
*Text or call Ms. Lovely at 0917-827-4363

Friday, July 13, 2012

Bellydancing - some insights from Ms. Lovely

Belly dancing has always fascinated both the East and the West. It is also an art that continues to grow and makes the best advances with an understanding of the basic sources of the dance - the music, the rhythm, the people, the stories and the movements. 

Belly dance is a form of dance that originated in the Middle East and now a popular dance around the world. It is characterized by articulated isolation movements, undulations, intricate patterns of hip isolations, arms and torso undulations, locking movements, circular hand movements and shaking movements called shimmies.

Belly dancing is an art and a great form of exercise which burns 250-300 calories per hour; when combined with a sensible diet, it can help a woman in her weight loss activity.

Belly dancing is fun and exciting to learn, but it takes time, effort, dedication and regular attendance of classes in order to progress.

- Ms. Lovely's Dance and Arts Studio

* Visit and like my FB fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/MsLovelysDances
*Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/Lovelydances
* Email address: lovelybelly.0623@yahoo.com
*Text or call Ms. Lovely at 0917-827-4363

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My Lovely ladies at our Bellydance class

Our first bellydance class for the month of July.

See how my ladies learn the proper posture and basic foundation in belly dancing. They also practice drills and routines on upper body isolation and hip movements.

We usually do Egyptian Pop, Egyptian Cabaret, Turkish, and fusion bellydance choreographies in modern and traditional Middle Eastern music to make our class exciting.

Each session is filled with new ideas for the students to look forward to.
my ladies in their skirt for gypsy choreography

* Visit and like my FB fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/MsLovelysDances
*Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/Lovelydances
* Email address: lovelybelly.0623@yahoo.com
*Text or call Ms. Lovely at 0917-827-4363

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